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The gist
of CSAs
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)s or Farm Shares are ways for the community members to create a relationship with the farm and the farmer who grows their produce. By making a financial commitment to the farm, people become shareholders (members, subscribers) of the farm. In return shareholders receive a weekly amount of produce.
How large is the share? How many does it feed?We only offer one size share and there is a value associated with that and the program. The size of the share may vary by what is in season, and start of slow -- peaking in August. If you are interested in what we previously offered as a family size share, you can purchase two shares for a discount of $50
What are the terms of becoming a shareholder?By becoming a member of the Sirna’s Farm Inc. CSA, I agree to commit to the full ten week season. I agree to pick up my product as arranged at Sirna’s Farm* or as negotiated per Sirna’s Farm. *note that CSA pick ups are typically done on Thursdays at the farm. Some exceptions may be made and additional sites may be added. Please contact Sirna's Farm if you would like to host a drop off site. As a member of the CSA I understand that I will receive a weekly share, which may vary in size and weight from week to week depending on the time of the season and specific season changes. I understand that the variety of vegetables that I receive is chosen by the farmer based on what is being harvested at that point of season and peak in product. I understand that each week the share may vary because of the growing season and conditions, and that the risks and benefits of the harvest are shared. I understand that by making this commitment to the farm I am taking the same risks that the local farmer does of crop failure or success due to weather, etc. I understand missed deliveries that are not picked up within 24 hours will not be refunded unless an emergency and contact is made with Sirna’s Farm within 24 hours. Any planned absences from picking up your share should be coordinated on shareholder’s behalf to have an alternative pick-up person and/or method with 7 days notice. Most importantly, I understand that by joining the CSA program, I am making an investment in my future health, local economy & family owned business.
What's Sirna's growing practices?Our family farm is sustainable, using regenerative and natural growing practices. This same principle applies to how we raise our animals and care for our land. We are not certified organic, but we do not spray any pesticides. We work with nature and use things like beneficial insects and other natural solutions.
Do I choose what goes in the share?No, you do not get to pick what is in your share, we bag your share based on what is ripe and in season at the farm. Eating with the seasons allows for the most nutrient dense foods, and a real awareness of how food is grown. BUT you pick up at our farm market and there's lots of other products available there to add on or swap if there's something you're not fond of.
What's a CSA program?Community supported agriculture is a way for the food loving public to create a relationship with the farm and the farmer who grows their produce. By making a financial commitment to the farm, people become shareholders (members, subscribers) of the farm. In return shareholders receive a weekly amount of produce. By becoming a member, you are building a relationship between the farmer, the food they grow and the food you eat, all while becoming stewards of the land where it is sown.
Do multiples of an item count as 1 item?Yes, receiving more then one of the same items only counts toward one item. For example: 6 ears of corn count as "corn" and only one item!
Why Sirna's Farm's CSA?Not only do we grow all of our own produce at our farm, but we produce a large variety of products. You have access to an additional ‘grocery list’ which can be added on to your weekly share at pick up. These items include: local non-homogenized whole milk, local cheeses, our own farm fresh eggs, grass fed beef, Sirna tapped maple syrup and many of the local, wholesome products available at our farm market!
How does payment work?Payments MUST be made to hold your application spot. You can pay by cash (coordinating a time to exchange or dropped off at the restaurant, with your name - do not mail cash!), check, credit card, Paypal and EBT. Note that a small processing fee is added to credit and/or paypal purchases. Checks may be made out to "Sirna's Farm" and mailed to: Kristen Sirna Sirna's Farm 19009 Ravenna Road Auburn Twp. Ohio 44023 If paying by Paypal please select "friends & family, otherwise a processing fee will be added and be added to your balance due"
How long is the program?10 weeks!
When does it start?We typically start the first Thursday after 4th of July but we are subject to changes based on Mother Nature. We'll keep you posted on an official start date when we have a better ideas from the fields.
Where do I pick up my share?Shares are available for pick up at our Farm & Market so that you can enjoy some fresh air on the farm, meet your farmer, and even meet other shareholders / community members. CSA day is Thursday, but accommodations can be made.
What if I forget to pick up my share?If you forget, call us ASAP. We'll try to hold your share for at least a day, but cooler space is limited and if it's not picked up or communication is not made -- it may get donated. Shares are not refunded unless an emergency and contact is made with Sirna’s Farm within 24 hours. Any planned absences from picking up your share should be coordinated to have an alternative pick-up person and/or method with 7 days notice.
What do I need to bring on/to CSA day?Yourself! A cooler bag or reusable tote is handy if you're traveling -- but your share will be fully packaged and ready to take home.

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